PROGRESS IN BIOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE CONTINUES Lerøy Seafood Group ASA today reports a consolidated operational EBIT of NOK 906 million for the second quarter of 2024. CEO Henning Beltestad comments: "The positive trend in biological performance has continued into the second quarter, and we are performing well in a quarter characterized by declining salmon prices. The number of lice treatments has been significantly reduced, and growth and survival rates have substantially increased compared to th
GOOD BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2024. PROGRESS IN VAP S&D CONTINUES. Today, Lerøy Seafood Group ASA reports a consolidated operational EBIT of MNOK 842 for the first quarter of 2024. Of this, Farming accounts for MNOK 576, with seasonally low harvest volumes. CEO Henning Beltestad says; We have had a good quarter in Farming with strong biological development. Considering the very cold sea temperatures, our fish are growing well. It is also very pleasing to note significant im
RECORD REVENUE IN 2023. MAKING PROGRESS TOWARDS 2025 TARGETS 2023 marks the first year in Lerøy's history where revenue exceeds NOK 30 billion. Seafood's position among consumers remains strong. We continue to vigorously work towards developing the most efficient and sustainable value chain for seafood. I am proud of the work our employees do, while acknowledging that the past year has been challenging," says CEO Henning Beltestad. FOURTH QUARTER 2023 DEVELOPMENT In the fourth quarter of 2023, L