After Apple (AAPL) held its "It's Glowtime" event on Monday, unveiling the new iPhone 16 along with next generation AirPod and Apple Watch devices. Bank of America senior IT hardware analyst Wamsi Mohan joined Seana Smith and Brad Smith on Catalysts to discuss the how the enhancements to health, safety, and convenience features could expand the Apple ecosystem. "Absolutely, we're broadening out the ecosystem here with a bunch of new products," Mohan said, highlighting the health and fitness features of the new Apple Watch and AirPods. "The number of applications that you're seeing is starting to broaden out, which brings in new users into the ecosystem, and that's not even including the phone," the analyst noted. "We have to look at the wow factor a little bit differently this cycle," Mohan said, indicating that while the iPhone maker didn't announce "a killer app" at Monday's event, users may upgrade viewing the new devices as a "productivity enhancing tool" with software updates to follow. For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Catalysts. This post was written by Naomi Buchanan.
Apple (AAPL) hosted its "It's Glowtime" launch event on Monday, unveiling the new iPhone 16 lineup alongside updated Apple Watches and AirPods. Needham senior media & internet analyst Laura Martin joins The Morning Brief to share her insights on what was showcased in Apple's next generation of devices. Martin expresses skepticism about the iPhone 16, suggesting that consumers might want to hold off on purchasing. She states it's "just too early" for this release, noting the absence of a key feature many are anticipating: Apple Intelligence. As a result, she believes "there's no compelling reason" for consumers to buy a new iPhone, advising them to wait for the iPhone 17 instead when Apple's AI software will be more developed. "It's got new colors, and it's thinner, and it's made of titanium, and the camera's better — as it is every year," Martin states, ultimately calling the new model "not that interesting." However, Martin commends Apple's focus on health benefits in the Apple Watch Series 10 and new AirPods, highlighting features that track conditions like sleep apnea and hearing loss. Martin sees this health-centric approach as "a really competitive advantage" for the tech giant, noting that it encourages users to rely more heavily on their Apple products and remain within the Apple ecosystem. For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Morning Brief. This post was written by Angel Smith
As Apple (AAPL) unveils the iPhone 16 alongside the new generation of Apple devices, Julie Hyman compares the last decade iPhone revenue with Apple's total revenue, weighing in on what iPhone sales in a new upgrade cycle could bring to the table. For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Asking for a Trend. This post was written by Luke Carberry Mogan.